Emisiones de gases efecto invernadero
del Sector Energía
Unas reflexiones cortitas para este fin de semana
A few thoughts for the week-end
A few thoughts for the week-end
Por Mauricio López Dardaine
Es posible que en los dos últimos comentarios los haya atiborrado un poco con un exceso de cifras, aunque creo que eran necesarias para tener conciencia del marco de nuestra situación pasada, modelo que se ha proyectado hasta nuestros días.
Dicho encuadre muestra que hay aquí una oportunidad muy interesante que se abre hacia el futuro cercano, si nos animamos como Nación a reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI), causadas por la matriz energética que usamos para iluminarnos, para transportarnos, calefaccionarnos, refrigerarnos, elaborar los productos que consumimos y exportarlos, construir nuestras viviendas y realizar las diversas tareas que requieren nuestros campos.
From the view point of our fragile Planet Earth and that of Climate Change, our ultimate goal is that of reducing GHG Emissions. But while we go this way in order to reach such goal, we need to make efficient use of the available energy and advance towards an energy matrix with a lower proportion of fosil fuels, replaced by cleaner and renewable forms of energy: eolic, solar, hydraulic. Patagonia has begun to develop wind turbine parks but there is still plenty of room for progress; few countries have wind conditions and available space such as Argentina, there's both a challenge and a unique opportunity here to work in favour of Climate Change and at the same time improve the quality of our energy matrix.
Such road entails the conservation of Argentina's natural resources, while offering a greater coverage of the needs of those with less resources, such as ilumination, heating and trasportation.
At the same time involving lower costs per unit along the whole chain, by means of both higher energy efficiency and the election of non-fosil fuel sources to generate the energy we need to create products by means of land and industry, bring them to the market place, iluminate our cities, offices, plant sites, transport people through public and private means, ensure heating and refrigeration, and so forth.
We shall be dealing with these questions through our next comments.
From the view point of our fragile Planet Earth and that of Climate Change, our ultimate goal is that of reducing GHG Emissions. But while we go this way in order to reach such goal, we need to make efficient use of the available energy and advance towards an energy matrix with a lower proportion of fosil fuels, replaced by cleaner and renewable forms of energy: eolic, solar, hydraulic. Patagonia has begun to develop wind turbine parks but there is still plenty of room for progress; few countries have wind conditions and available space such as Argentina, there's both a challenge and a unique opportunity here to work in favour of Climate Change and at the same time improve the quality of our energy matrix.
Such road entails the conservation of Argentina's natural resources, while offering a greater coverage of the needs of those with less resources, such as ilumination, heating and trasportation.
At the same time involving lower costs per unit along the whole chain, by means of both higher energy efficiency and the election of non-fosil fuel sources to generate the energy we need to create products by means of land and industry, bring them to the market place, iluminate our cities, offices, plant sites, transport people through public and private means, ensure heating and refrigeration, and so forth.
We shall be dealing with these questions through our next comments.
Desde el punto de vista de nuestro Planeta Tierra y del Cambio Climático, nuestro objetivo último es el de reducir las emisiones de GEI.
Pero en el camino a recorrer para alcanzar esta meta, se necesita hacer un uso eficiente de la energía y avanzar hacia una matriz con menos recursos hidrocarburíferos, reemplazados éstos por formas de energía más limpia, y renovable, como la eólica, hidráulica, solar.
En ese camino, en razón de nuestra presente excesiva dependencia del gas, petróleo y sus derivados, habrá una muy importante contribución a nuestra balanza de pagos.
Habrá a su vez una mayor conservación de nuestros recursos naturales, y podrá darse a la vez mayor cobertura a las necesidades básicas de nuestra población con menores recursos: iluminación, calefacción, transporte.
Y todo ello con menores costos para toda la cadena. Estos menores costos pueden lograrse a partir de un doble enfoque: (a) una mayor eficiencia energética (paralela a procesos con menores emisiones de GEI) y (b) un cambio mediante la elección de fuentes no hidrocarburíferas para la generación de energía.
Todo esto lo iremos comentando más en detalle con el correr de las semanas.
Por hoy, déjenme desearles un muy buen fin de semana.
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