We are once more indebted to the Chamber of Exporters in Argentina , for thanks to their follow-up through their Sustainable Development Observatory, we did learn about the following initiative.
Mauricio López Dardaine
New Green Economy Partnership Responds to Rio +20 Call for Action
Nueva asociación que responde al llamado para la Acción de Rio + 20
Four UN Agencies to Assist 30 Countries in Transition to a Green Economy –
Cuatro agencias de Naciones Unidas van a asistir a 30 países para que puedan realizar su transición hacia una Economía Verde
Source/Fuente: UNEP
Siendo el tema de la Economía Verde uno que sigue suscitando vivas discusiones en algunos círculos, conviene aclarar que traemos aquí lo transcrito en la fuente, esta vez sin agregados.
In view of the fact that the subject of Green Economy has originated controversy in some circles, we ought to stress that, in this case, we have brought to you what comes directly from the source cited, without any of our personal comments.
Una nueva asociación fue lanzada en Nairobi por cuatro agencias de las Naciones Unidas que apuntan a dar apoyo a 30 países durante los próximos siete años para elaborar sus respectivas estrategias dirigidas hacia una economía verde; las que han de generar nuevos trabajos y nuevas capacidades laborales, promover tecnologías limpias, y reducir los riesgos ambientales y la pobreza.
PAGE (por sus siglas en inglés) o Partnership for Action on Green Economy es una respuesta al documento surgido de la Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre Desarrollo Sostenible (Rio + 20), titulado El Futuro que queremos, que reconoce a la economía verde como un vehículo para alcanzar un un desarrollo sostenible y para erradicar la pobreza.
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Governments at The four UN agencies - the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the International Labour Organization (ILO), the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) - will provide a comprehensive suite of green economy services that will enable countries to transform their national economic structures to meet the growing demands and challenges of the 21st century.
"This is yet another example of how UNEP with partners is implementing the outcomes of
As The Future We Want recommends, PAGE will encourage "the implementation of green economy policies by countries that seek to apply them for the transition towards sustainable development as a common undertaking."
More specifically, PAGE will build enabling conditions in participating countries by shifting investment and policies towards the creation of a new generation of assets, such as clean technologies, resource efficient infrastructure, well-functioning ecosystems, green skilled labour and good governance.
"ILO estimates that at least half of the global workforce - or 1.5 billion people - could be affected in some way by the transition to a green economy," said ILO Director-General Guy Ryder. "PAGE aims to embed the right policies and opportunities at the national level as countries move forward with their inclusive green economy plans, and thus ensure this transition creates more and better jobs and benefits all of society".
"Promoting green and clean new industries, and helping existing industries become more resource-efficient, will be a key focus of the partnership," said Kandeh K. Yumkella, Director General of UNIDO. "While business and industry should be aligned with national green economy efforts, governments need to set the parameters in order for business to thrive."
"Advancing green economies in the context of poverty eradication creates unprecedented needs and opportunities for learning and skills development,' said Sally Fegan-Wyles, Director ad Interim of UNITAR. "PAGE addresses this challenge, by offering a suite of learning programmes and by strengthening capacities of national research and training institutions to ensure sustainability."
The four agencies have previously undertaken joint green initiatives. However, this is the first time that all four partners have come together to coordinate their support, expertise and resources at the national level. During the first two years of the partnership, PAGE will focus on seven pilot countries, yet to be named, and scale up this support to a total of 30 countries by 2020.
Note to Editors:
More information on PAGE can be found at:
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