Clima, cada vez más extremo e impredecible, advierte el INTA
[Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria de la Argentina]
El organismo aseguró que aumentó el riesgo climático en el agro por los fuertes contrastes climáticos. Las proyecciones para el otoño.
The caption under this elocuent photograph says:"In southwest Córdoba [a key central region of Argentina] it rained in three months the average of the whole year. On the other hand, in the province of Buenos Aires there was a rainfall deficit".
I feel that by now, most people in Argentina have learnt -the hard way- the consequences of Climate Change. Are they equally aware of the relationship between green house gas emissions of human origin and Climate Change, Global warming and the occurrence of this king of scourge and the effect on their fields, their crops, their livelihood? Agriculture in Argentina has become far more sophisticated since the beginning of the nineties, and the people managing agro-business are often highly qualified. So we gather that most of them are by now well aware of said relationship.
The question is: what are we, as a country -as a Planet- actually going to do to curb Global Warming?
Shall world leaders at the next crucial COP in Paris -later this year- live to the expectations people in the know have regarding commitment, or are they still going to stand up, read their well intended speeches and do nothing about it? "That is the question!"
Mauricio López Dardaine
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