lunes, 29 de agosto de 2016

BRAZIL - the Impeachment process is now over

The Impeachment process is now over. Ms. Dilma Rousseff is no longer Brazil's president. A long cycle led by the Workers Party (PT) and its leader Inácio Lula da Silva has ended. Brazil will now have to emerge from its worst economic crisis in many years. The other members of Mercosur will be pending on Brazil's recovery. The expected changing of the guard will not be good news for the present Venezuelan administration. And as from now, the forces within Mercosur are bound to seek a level of understanding among them. The Brazilian issue, for evil or for good, is no longer an excuse to wait and see. 

The unilateral freezing of diplomatic relations by Venezuela vis-à-vis the new Brazilian Government clarifies the arena within Mercosur. The relationship between the Mercosur founding countries and Venezuela had been shifting for sometime now, as we have mentioned before, owing to the changes in goverment that took place in these countries in the last twelve months. 

The EU negociators have expressed their concern regarding the pro tempore presidency of Mercosur. Venezuela has decided to occupy this rotating formal place in spite of the opposition by Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina. This political crisis at the level of Mercosur reflects the changing situation that has already taken place in the countries of Mercosur (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and also in Uruguay) in the last twelve months. The crisis in Venezuela is taking more time, but it is difficult to imagine that at the end of the day changes will not take place.

However, because of its political and economic weight, no process is more relevant than the one taking place at the highest level of government, today, in Brasilia. Brazil has been in the last decades the most important force in politics and economics in South America. The impeachment process taking place regarding the future of president Dilma Rousseff is thus crucial as far as Mercosur, and every other country in South America is concerned.

President Dilma Rousseff is at present answering questions at the Brazilian Senate House in Brasilia.

A definition will be reached in the next few days. The political context in this part of the Americas will then be bound to show a definite trend. Whatever the result, Brazil will not be politically nor economically stabilised over-night. But the end of the process will allow both winners and losers to get back to work. Brazil will obviously take time to put its full potential back on the road. But they are a very industrious people once they know exactly which way to go -something that at present is clouded by the conflict at the top- The corrupted ways that have prevailed hitherto cannot be the ways to propel Brazil for the rest of the XXI Century. 

The turmoil at the top of Mercosur will have to wait for the major issue -Impeachment- to be decided.

The Mercosur founding countries -Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay and Brazil- are at present actively seeking ways to bridge their differences with Venezuela.

Mauricio López Dardaine 

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