Le Mercosur: un pas en avant
Mercosur in dire straits
Pour nos lecteurs francophones nous donnons ici un panorama synthétique sur la décision prise au plus haut niveau du Mercosur par les quatre Pays Fondateurs : l'Argentine, le Brésil, le Paraguay et l'Uruguay mardi passé.
Il s'agissait de mettre fin à l'impasse crée par la décision unilatérale du Vénézuela d'occuper la présidence pro temporel du bloc sans l'accord des Pays Membres. En outre, les Pays Fondateurs réclament au Vénézuela l'incorporation dans leur législation nationale d'environ 300 pièces de législation Mercosur et de leur adhésion à un certain nombre de traités signés par le bloc. Conditions indispensables pour pouvoir considérer le Vénézuela comme Pays Membre.
La décision qui fut prise et signé par les ministres de relations extérieures des quatre Pays Fondateurs, fut de créer une commission coordinatrice formée par un représentant de chaque pays pour conduire les affaires du bloc jusqu'à décembre 2016. En outre, ils donnèrent au Vénezuela un délai jusqu'au 1er décembre pour incorporer ce qu'il manque à leur législation.
En approchant le prochain tour de négociations du Mercosur avec l'UE, il était temps.
A path forward
Al pie los lectores de habla hispana encontrarán el documento del Mercosur firmado por los Cancilleres de los cuatro Países Fundadores
Al pie los lectores de habla hispana encontrarán el documento del Mercosur firmado por los Cancilleres de los cuatro Países Fundadores
Our readers outside Mercosur, but interested in what
happens in this region of South America, need some clarification regarding the
situation today.
It is extremely difficult to try and be objective.
Politics have a weight in this matter that one cannot ignore, and politics is something
we usually try not to discuss in our blog.
However, it is the new political trend that has been developing in this part of
the Americas, that has a significant bearing on what has happened last Tuesday
at the level of the Mercosur Council, their top ruling collective body.
On Tuesday last, the four Mercosur founding countries -
Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay- issued a joint declaration stating that
“the four Founding Countries approved today [Tuesday] a note by consensus,
according to which note Venezuela will not sit at the [pro tempore] presidency,
which as from now will be conducted by means of a coordinating committee formed
by one representative for each of the founders”.
Uruguay agreed to sign this declaration, but not
before it was agreed to give the government of Venezuela an exceptional
additional period, up to December 1st, in order that they
incorporate into their own legislation some 300 odd pieces of Mercosur
legislation still pending of incorporation, part of the conditions established within
Mercosur to become a full fledged member, which the four founders consider
Venezuela still is not.
Seas of ink have already been shed while discussing
this question. We have no intention of discussing it further. We have limited
ourselves to state what has been decided at the top, 48 hours ago.
Does this mean the end? By all means, no. However,
even if Venezuela disagrees violently with the decision, the statement and the
formation of the four-member coordinating committee, allow Mercosur to manoeuvre
and steer away from paralysis, a situation that had begun to threaten the flow
of trade, and the operation of the those bodies that are essential to Mercosur’s
way of life: the Common Market Group (GMC), the Commerce Committee (CCM) and
such essential bodies as CT1, the Technical Committee where questions related to
tariffs are settled. No minor stuff indeed.
It will also allow Mercosur to continue their
protracted negotiation with the EU and begin to feel their way towards the
Pacific Alliance.
The situation is still a complex one, but a path forward
is now in place.
Mauricio López Dardaine
NOTE: Article 4 of the Mercosur document here bellow, states in no uncertain terms, that should Venezuela persist in non compliance with regard to the incorporation of the legal instruments still lacking incorportation [as of December 1st. 2016] this "will imply ceasing to be able to make use of the rights corresponding to a Member State", until the Member States agree with Venezuela the conditions relative to Venezuela regaining full fledged member status.
Declaración conjunta relativa al funcionamiento del Mercosur y al Protocolo de Adhesión de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela al Mercosur
NOTE: Article 4 of the Mercosur document here bellow, states in no uncertain terms, that should Venezuela persist in non compliance with regard to the incorporation of the legal instruments still lacking incorportation [as of December 1st. 2016] this "will imply ceasing to be able to make use of the rights corresponding to a Member State", until the Member States agree with Venezuela the conditions relative to Venezuela regaining full fledged member status.
Declaración conjunta relativa al funcionamiento del Mercosur y al Protocolo de Adhesión de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela al Mercosur

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