Apart from the news these days refered to the support Argentina has received from the IMF, there are things happening in the field that links Industry & Climate CHange. And as such has been -since its creation in 2012- the focus of our blog, let us deal with what the Argentine Government and industry are doing by means of the 2016/2019 Action
Plan, and what they are tackling in 2018, specifically with regard to INDUSTRY
Mauricio López Dardaine
Following our tendency of being brief, here are the 20
INDUSTRY mitigation measures involved:
1* Circular
Economy: Recuperation of circular flows with
regard to ferrous scrap iron, aluminium, lead, PET, paper and cement
Energy: PV solar, wind, biogas, thermal solar
[here those who follow the news in this blog, know there were two very successful calls for bids in 2016 plus another equally successful call for bids in 2017]
3* Energy Efficiency: more efficient: industrial motors,
industrialised building systems, illumination; more efficient industry
equipment, flow recuperation with regard to petrochemicals and resources
management efficiency in the food industry
* * Gas
Capture: Catalytic destruction of N20 [nitrous oxide]
The lot is part of Argentina's Mitigation Action Plan 2016/2019. With periodic auditing and reporting.
The above mitigation measures, target the reduction of green house gas emissions, which are compatible with what Argentina is commited to as far as the Paris Agreement is concerned. All of the above is in turn linked to cost reduction and efficiency improvement in the abovementioned industrial sectors. To this one ought to add what industrial firms are doing on their own, in the same fields.
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