martes, 12 de noviembre de 2013

COP 19 - CEOs and Ministers meet at the Climate Change Summit

For the first time Ministers and CEOs meet at COP 19, in Warsaw, to discuss Climate Change

Mauricio López Dardaine

A few minutes ago, COP 19’s President, Marciu Korolec, announced that next week, as part of this year’s annual Climate Change Conference, CEOs from leading world firms will meet with Ministers of the Parties to discuss Climate Change.

Yesterday, we commented here that two of the leading companies were Coca-Cola and Shell. In spite of signs of doubt within environmentalist groups -and past attitudes by many a company may justify this sort of distrust- we personally feel that it was high time leading world producers became involved in the key question regarding our future on Planet Earth.

So let’s welcome this initiative and give these new-comers the unqualified benefit of the doubt.

Everybody may follow the different events at COP 19 through the host country website:

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